TRIZ Developers Summit


Schedule of preparation and acceptance of reports

If you want to make a presentation at the TRIZ Summit - 2022, then you need to do the following:

the date

Action Description


31.06.2022 Author has to register his presentation.
Note: to register the presentation you should be registered on the platform
Message from Program Committee about registration of your presentation
10.06 -10.07.2022

The program committee decides on the application

Letter from Program Committee with decision about your presentation
31.08.2022 Author sends article


15.09.2022 Program Committee organizes evaluation of articles sended.
Program Committee can ask the authors about any updates
Letter from Program Committee with decision about your presentation
1.10.2022 Program Committee publishes the Program of of conference Information of Program Committee about the Program of conference
14-16.10.2022 Authors take part in conference


Report Requirements

The TRIZ Summit 2022 Program Committee plans to publish reports in a separate collection. Also, selected papers will be published in international peer-reviewed journals. In accordance with these conditions, the Program Committee has determined the following requirements for reports.

Abstract of the report should contain:

  • a description of a well-defined novelty, method and result;
  • at least 250 words;
  • lack of citations;
  • keywords (at least 3 keywords).


The full article must contain:

  • Name
  • Annotation (see above for annotation requirements);
  • Sections
  • Text with illustrations of at least 4 pages;
  • References to literature in the text
  • List of references with self-citations no more than 10%.


Requirements for a report to be published in a journal

  • The report in the form of an article has not been previously published or considered in another journal.
  • The volume of the submitted article is not less than 4 and not more than 10 pages.
  • Defined structure and links:
  • Title. The title of the article should describe the goals, method / model and purpose of the study without an acronym or abbreviation.
  • Abstract can contain no more than 250 words; no citation; the main goal, research plan, methodology, main results and conclusions, novelty are briefly stated.
  • Keywords. At least 3 keywords.
  • Section structure. We invite authors to place their articles in the structure of sections: Introduction - Method - Results and discussion - Conclusion.
  • References. At least 10 links. APA format. Self citation - no more than 10%.

Report Formatting Requirements


Title of the report

Font 14 Times New Roman Bold (Bold), alignment-centered. Font 12 (Times New Roman) in Microsoft Word


font 12 Times New Roman Bold, left alignment

Text of the report

font 12 Times New Roman, line spacing 1.15.

text alignment - across the entire width of the sheet


Inserted GIF or JPG image format


Please do not use automatic generation of numbers for tables, figures, footnotes and list of references