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Organizational Committee of the Conference of the TRIZ Developer Summit 2024:
Mikhail Rubin - Chairman, TRIZ Master, Director of the Department of TRIZ Development in RUSAL Group of companies, Russia
Dr. Farber - TRIZ Master, General Director of TRIZ Biofarma International LLC, Vice President of the TRIZ developers Summit, Academician, USA
Leonid Misyuchenko - TRIZ Master, Ph.D., Lithuania
Ahmad-Ramez Kassou - TRIZ specialist, Ph.D., Head of TRIZ and IT at TDS, head of TRIZ in Arab countries of the Middle East, Russia
Natalia Rubina - TRIZ Master, Head of the TRIZ Committee in Education, Russia
Jason Wang - M.Sc. at the University of Qinghua, Senior expert SAC China ISO and IEC, founder China Sci -Tech Automation Alliance (CSAA), China
Sergei Yakovenko - Deputy General Director RUSAL Group of companies, Russia
Sergei Lopatin - TRIZ specialist, RUSAL, Russia
Programm Committee of the TRIZ Developer Summit Conference 2023:
Mikhail Rubin - Chairman, TRIZ Master, Director of the Department of TRIZ Development in RUSAL Group of companies, Russia
Ahmad-Ramez Kassou - TRIZ specialist, Ph.D., Head of TRIZ and IT at TDS, head of TRIZ in Arab countries of the Middle East, Russia
Natalia Rubina - TRIZ Master, Head of the TRIZ Committee in Education, Russia
Marat Gafitulin - TRIZ Master, Russia
Alexander Trantin - TRIZ specialist, Russia
Huangye Li - Ph.D. of the St. Petersburg State Engineering University, Expert of the 3rd level of the International Association TRIZ, China
Anton Kulakov - TRIZ specialist, head of the department of the TRIZ OKO RUSAL, Russia